Cervical Screening
Cervical screening is a method of preventing cancer by detecting and treating early changes which, if left untreated, could lead to cancer of the cervix. The screening test is offered to all women aged 25-64 and is carried out by our practice nurses and some GP’s. You will receive a letter when your test is due. Women are invited every 3 years until the age of 50 then every 5 years until 64. For further information go to www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/cervical
Further help and support for cervical screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
What a smear is: What happens at your cervical screening appointment – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Information about smears in other languages: Cervical screening: leaflet for women considering screening – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
We provide all methods of contraception including implants and IUCDs (copper coil and Mirena or hormone coil). For further information please ask at reception or go to www.sexwise.org.uk.
Emergency Contraception
If you have had unprotected sex, you can use emergency contraception contact us, Victoria Health Centre or Pharmacy First for support.
Sexual Health
You can have a sexual health check-up at any age. For further information on chlamydia screening go to www.chlamydiascreening.nhs.uk